Frequently Asked Questions
You’re called ‘NZ Jeep Club’, but where are the majority of your members based.
Yes, we are called ‘NZ Jeep Club’
That was a fitting name near 25 odd years ago when the idea came to life.
However, we are mainly based in the upper north island – Gisborne to Rodney.
You say ‘Jeep Club’, but what constitutes a Jeep
Well, for one it must have the Name ‘Jeep’ on it.
By that, i mean the vehicle has been produced under license and known as a Jeep.
This can (and does) include Willy’s Jeeps & Mitsi Jeeps
What it does not include is the likes of, Say, a Jeep Body on top of a non-Jeep chassis, or hybrid Jeeps.
It also does not include any 4wd vehicle that YOU call a Jeep.
‘Jeep’ the name has become so synonyms with 4wd’s that many people call any short wheel-base 4wd a Jeep.
You say you get them dirty.
Yes, as our homepage says, why own ‘Arguably the world’s best off-road vehicle, and not use it for the designed purpose‘
All members are active 4wd’ers in the NZ Jeep Club and other general 4wd clubs.
We also participate in other 4wd/Club related activities like – Charity Runs – Christmas / Family Dinners
What level of 4wd’ing do you do…? What sort of Jeep will I need.
Jeeps are one of the most capable ‘Stock’ 4wd vehicles produced, and can do a surprising amount right from the factory.
However, Most of our members are always adding additions to their Jeeps to make them more capable off-road.
With that said, bring along your stock Jeep to one of our Events, and see for yourself.
The only thing we ask, is that you have suitable recovery points for extracting your Jeep once it is stuck… and believe me, you will get it stuck.
Be careful though,…
as nearly all of our members (and their wives) have found out, once the bugs bites, you will never cease to want upgrades… Its a Jeep thing…